Sunday, September 21, 2008

Darn.. way to long time since an update.. okay.. let me bring you up to date:.

I've had a nice long spring brake and now I've gotten settled in nice and snug on my 3ed year of KAU.

and good news too.. we have had our batchler pitches chosen there was alot of cool ideas from my class-mates and my own pitch went well... so well in fact that it got sellected as one of the 6 to be made, WOo!

so yeah.. at the moment I'm working on a short-film in cobenhagen for 2 months, but after that I'm starting on the batchler

(Note: I made the idea with my good frind Rokur and we'r making it together.. and we got 2 helpers too)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

3D Animation_Exam_2008

This years exam assignment, we had one week to do it... Its not all perfect, and I will be working on it later, for my reel, but this is what I handed in.

I've bin studying 3D animation for 1 year now, and before that I did 1 year of 2D animation.

PS: I passed...The total score of my exam was 54 which corresponds to 7 on the Danish grading scale :)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Game making - Eskimotion

Right, so for the last month I've bin working on my very first computer game as an animator,
although it was not a game meant for the market.

the game is called Eskimotion and you play a little Inuit who is trying to save his little-sister from the evil Yeti King.

in order to save you're sis you'll have to run, slide and jump through an icy tunnel that is the Yeti Kings lair, avoid giant blocks and spikes of ice and collect peaces of you're sister's broken neck less,
chasing you is a giant snowball, so make sure not to hit the blocks/spikes or the snowball will gain on you and roll you over.

the experience was very nice and I was on a really nice team,
the time we had for making this game (intended for 8 year olds) was one month

we used 3D Studio Max for all the animations and I was working together with a friend from KAU and the engine used was Source withs is also used for Half Life 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2

Monday, March 17, 2008

Rigging Crontrols

there, got the crontrols done for my bird guy
the only thing not working is the IK_arm but I still have it there so I can add it later

it took some time, but I desided to spend some extre time on shaping the "curves" of the crontrols.

also I had to redo the arms a few times... anyhoo, here is a pic

(the red lines are the crontrolers and the gray on the screen-left is the bones and the gray on screen-right is the model itself)

Monday, February 11, 2008

Monster mash

Here is 2 monsters I did in class as we talked about rigging last week. just having fun with fat, hehe

Color class

3 day color class with Lawrence Marvit, and it was awesome.. tough but awesome
I have to sound like a "sucker fan" when talking about Lawrence, the man is great, pure and simple.
of all the teatchers I've had. I've learnd more from him then anyone else.

so, I just finished a 3 day color class, and every good painter knows that 3 days is WAY to little time.. half'a year would be better, but still I learnd more in the 3 days, then I did in the 2 years I've had here and there. (put together)

Screen Right Pic: this was what I did on the first day,
we talked about the basics and then we picked one
of the pictures he had with him and had to block it out
with that one brush. (hard to get detail hehe)

Screen Left Pic: day 2 we had to do the same but with more time
and (in my opion) a harder picture

Bottom Pic: on the last day we had to pick a black/white picture and add color to it, so first we did color thumbnails and then did it bigger
(I didnt get to far with the big one. oh well)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Rigging my model

Rigging, for almost 2 weeks I've bin leaning about rigging a character and I'm finding it very hard to remember all the tools and order of steps, but luckely I'm still standing

I hope that I'll be able to finish while I still have a teatcher I can ask for help :p

Anyhoo.. Here is a pic showing the bones, and how the orientations are set (on the hand) .
atm. I'm working on the basic skinning, which means making sure the model will follow the skelleton correctly

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Building a 3D character

Right, so I'm about halfway into my Bachelor in Character Animation and we'er working on building a 3D character.
I've bin looking forward to this ever since the 3D part of the education started and up till now its bin sweet!

Our teatcher for actually modeling the character (witch we did this last week) was Sunit Parekh ( who worked on Hell-Boy, The Matrix, Scooby Doo 2 and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, just to mention som of the ones most people know about. very nice guy and a good teatcher :)

well, on with it... heres my modle-sheet for my character and a pic of what it looks like thus-far

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Blog start

Well... I got my first blog.... now to get some stuff done so I can actually post some things here, heh,